1st record of Cinammon Teal or 2nd record of Blue-winged Teal? - let us know your thoughts on the comment's box below!
Today, on the 19th of October 2012 at Faial river mouth at 10:20 am, during a Wind Birds tour, a presumed Cinammon teal Anas cyanoptera was observed and photographed by Hugo, Catarina, Per Lif (Sweden) and Janet Oryem (UK). This bird was together 1 Nothern Pintail Anas acuta and 2 Mallards Anas platyrhynchus.
At first we thought it was a Blue-winged teal Anas discors but the bill was not fitting well for this species... It had a large bill and the color of the head was warmer brown instead of greyish. The markings on the head (the stripe through the eye and the white patch near the bill) where not very conspicuous which is a characteristic of the Cinnamon teal and the overal color of the body is more rufous than the typical cold colors of the Blue-winged teal.
We believe it is a Cinnamon teal Anas cyanoptera but we would like to hear the opinion of our readers, so please comment below!
The 1st record of Blue-winged teal Anas discors dates October 4, 2008 at Lugar de Baixo pond.
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