Once again Nature was stronger and overcame the loss of habitat in Lugar de Baixo pond in Ponta do Sol, Madeira. Today we could observe 4 chicks of Coot Fulica atra being fed by 2 adults!
Since the government "cleaned" not only the mud from February's flood but also almost all reeds in Lugar de Baixo pond, making plans to build 2 birdwatching hides and and a path around the pond, there were only 2 Coots remaining there. Remember that last year was the first record of breeding of Coots for Madeira Island. Fortunately today, 1st of June 2010, Children's Day, we were surprised by 4 chicks of this pair of Coots... Let's hope that all these chicks survive and that their habitat can regenerate quickly.
Happy Children's day!
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