Nice ending of a successful 2016 pelagics' season!

After the previous pelagic expedition, in early August, we foreseen a greater activity of migrating seabirds for this final pelagic of 2016 though it turned out a bit quiet, specially for Max Shearwaters and for Skuas... Well, that is birdwatching!! But what it really counts is that we (Wind Birds & customers) managed to see and ID Zino's Petrel in all 2016 pelagics! So this deep sea expedition was another successful one and a great ending for the 2016 deep sea pelagics' season!
Now its time to book your place on a Zino's Petrel Pelagic Expedition for 2017!

Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta
Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta

23rd August 2016 - Northerly wind between 12 and 15 knots and NE waves up to 1.5 meters
14 Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta - 1 on the way up
Common Tern Sterna hirundo
2 Great shearwater Puffinus gravis
European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus
Some Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis
Dozens of Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii

Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira
Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira

Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta
Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Stenella frontalis
Blue shark Prionace glauca

24th August 2016 - North wind up to 10 knots and waves from same direction up to 1 meter
>50 Great shearwater Puffinus gravis - 7 on the way up
1 Fea's Petrel Pterodroma feae/deserta on the way up
2 Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus
1 Sabine's Gull Xema sabini
Hundreds of Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis
Some Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii

Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis
Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis

Short-beaked Common dolphin Delphinus delphis
Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Stenella frontalis
Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta

Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus
Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus

25th August 2016 - Northern wind up to 15 knots and NE waves up to 1.5 meters
2 Pterodromas sp. on the way up
European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
2 Great shearwater Puffinus gravis - 1 on the way up
4 Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus - All at the same time on the chum
2 Zino's Petrel Pterodroma madeira
9 Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
Several Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis
Dozens of Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii

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