Despite habitat loss Coots breed in Lugar de Baixo for the 2nd year!

Once again Nature was stronger and overcame the loss of habitat in Lugar de Baixo pond in Ponta do Sol, Madeira. Today we could observe 4 chicks of Coot Fulica atra being fed by 2 adults!

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Zino's Petrel unseen video footage to be released on May 9, 2010

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MEGA bird for Madeira - Dark-eyed Junco - 1st record

On the 20th December 2009 along the Lido promenade in Funchal Catarina & Hugo, from Madeira Wind Birds recorded what is called a LBJ, i.e. a Little Brown Job which turned out to be, most probably, a Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis. We asked for some help on the identification of the bird to some world experienced birdwatchers and we got 2 answers for the same species: a juvenile female Dark-eyed Junco or an adult female Slate-colored Junco which is a subspecies of the Dark-eyed most widespread in eastern North America.

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Zino's Petrel Sea Expedition - The best Western Palearctic Expedition!

Zino's Petrel

After two successful expeditions with Hadoram Shirihai to find and photograph Zino's Petrel at sea Madeira Wind Birds will start to operate its Zino's Petrel Pelagic Expedition in May 2010!

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Vagrant bird reports for Madeira

7th March 2009
Lugar de Baixo
Green-wing Teal Anas carolinensis
Greenshank Tringa nebularia

Common Gull Larus canus

Airport gardens
3 Pied Wagtails Motacilla alba yarellii
22 White Wagtails Motacilla alba alba

8th March 2009
Caniço - observed by Jan Legg (UK)
Sand Martin Riparia riparia
Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita

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American Wigeon in Madeira

On the 4th of November 2008 at Lugar de Baixo pond Madeira Wind Birds and its customers have observed the bird on the photos. After a detailed observation everyone decided it is an American Wigeon Anas americana which, after the strong western winds occurred last week is not such a difficult thing to happen.

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